
It is important to be happy and self-aware no matter what you’re doing, even as part of your CDL driver job. Writer Thai Nguyen of the Huffington Post writes that self-awareness is one of the key skills for success for truck drivers and other professionals. The way we respond in situations is based on our mental processes, Nguyen writes.

By being aware of our mental processes we are able to uncover any destructive thought pattern or poor habits. Nguyen gives us 12 exercises that help fuel our bodies for greater self awareness. Here are the top 5 highlights of the article:

Become a happy and self-aware CDL truck driver

1. The three Why’s

Before acting on a decision, ask yourself “Why?” Follow up your response with another “Why?” And then a third. If you can find three good reasons to pursue something, you’ll have clarity and be more confident in your actions. Being self-aware means knowing your motives and determining whether they’re reasonable.

2. Practice saying “No” to yourself

The ability to say “No” to yourself — to put off short-term gratification for the long-term gain — is an important life skill. And like a muscle, it is strengthened with exercise. The more you practice saying “No” to small daily challenges, the better you can withstand major temptations.

3. Monitor your self-talk

There is non-stop commentary in our heads, and it’s not always helpful. A little bit of negative self-talk can spiral into stress and depression.

4. Improve your body language awareness

Watching yourself on video can be a cringeworthy experience, but awareness of your body language, posture and mannerisms improves your confidence.

Slouching, or taking a “low-power-pose” increases cortisol and feeds low self-esteem, while standing tall or taking a “high-power-pose” stimulates testosterone and improves your performance. Using hand gestures helps with articulating your thoughts and affects how people respond to you.

5. Practice self-evaluation and reflection

Keep a journal and track your progress. How would you rate your current level of self-awareness out of ten? Think about how often you say regretful things; repeat bad habits; make absent-minded decisions; and have erratic thoughts.

Set regular goals, break big goals down into smaller milestones. Ask yourself at the end of each day, “What did I do well today?” And, “How can I improve on this tomorrow?”

Those with CDL driver jobs might have time to reflect on themselves during the day. Next time, try one or more of these techniques to see how self-aware you can become.

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Featured image courtesy jill111 / Pixabay; lower image courtesy of Huffington Post


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