Elon Musk announced that Tesla acquired trucking capacity to assist with shipping Model 3 equipment by year end.

Image via Tesla
The CEO stated that using trucks, as opposed to rail, saves more than a month off of shipping times from the West to East Coast. “We bought some trucking companies and secured contracts with major haulers to avoid trucking shortage mistakes,” Musk tweeted.
In addition, these acquisitions appear to have been done without any news of said transactions spread throughout the transportation industry. Also, General Manager, Auto Haulers Association of America, Guy Young said he hadn’t heard a peep about these acquisitions.
“There’s a capacity crunch right now, because so many companies are gearing up for Black Friday and the holidays,” Young told Bloomberg. “There’s a lot of stuff that needs to go on trucks right now.” Therefore, Tesla acquired trucking capacity this season as a start to solve this problem.
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