can truck drivers carry guns
Aside from what’s on the road, truck driving can be a dangerous profession even when drivers aren’t behind the wheel. That’s why many truck drivers choose to carry a firearm in their truck for their own personal protection. Drivers, especially those who run OTR and Regional, find themselves all over the place, and sometimes those places are less than reputable. Combine this with a lack of safe and available parking nationwide and you can see why many drivers choose to carry. 

But as important as it is for drivers to protect themselves, it’s equally important to understand the laws surrounding carrying firearms while on the road. This is especially important for drivers who travel across state lines, as they need to know the laws for every state they drive through. Here’s what to know about carrying as a truck driver. 

Can Truck Drivers Carry Guns?

Truck drivers are allowed to carry a firearm, but it needs to be unloaded and kept out of reach of both the driver and any passenger with the ammunition stored separately. This means that keeping your firearm in the glove box is not allowed since it’s easily accessible from your driver’s seat. The best bet is to keep it in a locked box.  

Can Truck Drivers Get Their Concealed Carry?

While some drivers may be fine with the above arrangement, it’s understandable that many drivers who carry aren’t. It’s unlikely that if you’re ever in a situation where a firearm is needed, you’ll have the time to unlock a box, retrieve your firearm, and load it. That’s why many drivers opt to have their concealed carry permit instead.  

A concealed carry permit allows drivers to carry a firearm on their person while in their truck. Every state can issue you a concealed carry, but the requirements are different state by state on how to obtain one. It’s important to familiarize yourself with the requirements before attempting to get your conceal carry. Plus, there are a number of states known as “may issue” states. This means that you could meet all the requirements to receive your concealed carry permit and still be denied, as the state works on a case-by-case basis. 

Can Truck Drivers Carry Across State Guidelines?

Even after you’ve received a concealed carry, it’s important to be aware of the laws and regulations surrounding  carrying; the most important being carrying across state lines. As of right now, legislation has been introduced to the House of Representatives that would make a concealed carry permit obtained in one state valid in all others. This is known as reciprocity. The bill would first need to pass the house and then be picked up by the senate and passed there.

A similar bill was introduced and passed the house in 2017, but the senate did not act on it. As of right now, it’s unclear when the legislation will pass, if at all. This is why drivers shouldn’t wait around for congress to act, and instead familiarize themselves with concealed carry laws state by state.  

You can view this map to see which states your concealed carry permit is valid in. Simply select the state that you have your concealed carry registered in and you’ll be shown all the states that honor your permit and the states that do not. This means that before you cross over into a state that doesn’t honor your concealed carry permit, you’ll need to unload the firearm and store it in a locked container away from the ammunition, just like you would if you didn’t have your permit. 

What About Carrier Rules and Guidelines?

Also, be aware that just because you’re legally allowed to carry a firearm in your cab, this doesn’t mean that your carrier allows it. This is no problem for Owner Operators, but company drivers should be aware of all company rules and guidelines regarding firearms before carrying in their truck.  

While carrying a firearm is a measure that many drivers choose to take, it doesn’t have to be the only thing that drivers do to stay safe on the road. Making sure to park only at safe and legal stops along with pre-planning your routes to avoid stopping in any dangerous areas are precautions that should also be taken by truck drivers. 

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eco-friendly trucking
The pressure to become more eco-friendly and “go green” has been stressed in almost every industry over the past 20 years. Trucking has especially taken the brunt of the pressure, as the industry accounts for over 50% of NOx emissions in the U.S.  The EPA estimates that as freight activity increases across the world, the impact that semi-trucks have on the environment will grow as well.  

That’s not to say that all is lost. Many larger trucking companies are moving towards sustainability in a number of different ways. These include the widespread use of electric vehicles and alternative fuel sources aside from gasoline. But as a trucker, are there any ways you can help lessen your carbon footprint? Whether you’re a company driver or an owner operator, here are 5 ways you can practice eco-friendly trucking.

1. Less Idling

When it comes to eco-friendly trucking, less is always more. The biggest way to cut down on your emissions while driving is to stop idling. Aside from wasting fuel and money, you’re also not doing the environment any favors by keeping your truck running while parked. Some states even have laws against idling that can lead to hefty fines. But, it’s understandable why some drivers idle. They may need to run the A/C or heat while parked at a stop. The good news is that having an APU (Auxiliary Power Unit) installed gives drivers the best of both worlds by letting them run their HVAC while not burning any unnecessary fuel. 

2. Rolling Resistance Tires

The right tires go a long way in making your truck more fuel efficient and eco-friendly. Rolling resistance is what makes the big difference when it comes to tires. Investing in low-rolling resistance tires can save you up to 2% in fuel consumption per year. While that might not sound like a lot, when you add up how much fuel a truck uses in a year, it’s easy to see that it’s an investment worth making. 

3. Side Skirts

Aside from tires, aerodynamic devices like trailer side skirts can reduce fuel consumption as well. Side skirts are long pieces of material (usually rubber or aluminum) that are installed between the front and back tires of a trailer. Their purpose of a side skirt is to reduce wind resistance and drag that wastes fuel, making trucks more eco-friendly and fuel efficient. A 2012 study by the SAE found that trucks that have side skirts saved up to 5% on fuel economy per year.  

4. Maintenance

The value of regular truck maintenance can’t be overstated, especially if you’re trying to become more eco friendly on the road. Just like with rolling resistance tires and side skirts, the main goal here is to limit your fuel consumption. It’s been shown that regular maintenance on engines, air compressors, fuel filters, electrical systems, and A/C can increase a truck’s fuel economy up to 10% 

5. Recycle

While this tip doesn’t just pertain to truck drivers, it’s still an important way to become more eco-friendly. While on the road, practice organizing your trash into what’s recyclable and what’s not, then hold on to it until you get to somewhere that recycles, like a truck stop or gas station.  

You can also meal prep with reusable containers at home before you hit the road. Aside from cutting down on the amount of plastic you’re using, you’ll be saving money as well. It’s a simple tip, but every little bit makes a big difference when it comes to being eco-friendly. 

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truck parking
If you were to ask truck drivers to list their biggest grievances about their job, there’s no doubt that parking would be at the top of that list. In fact, drivers were asked, and truck parking was number 5 on ATRI’s Top Industry Issue’s poll for 2021. It’s become such a pervasive issue in the industry that legislation has been introduced to congress urging them to act on the problem. While it may fly under the radar nationally, but the issue of truck parking is nothing new.  

What’s Causing the Truck Parking Issue?

Truck parking has been an issue for many years, but with the increased demand for freight and more trucks on the road than ever before, the situation is only getting worse. In short, there are just not enough safe and reliable places for drivers to stop while they’re on the road. 

How is it Affecting Drivers?

Although the issue of truck parking affects everyone, including management and customers, it’s the drivers who feel it worst of all. They’re often faced with the decision to either stay on the road well past when they should have turned in or park somewhere unsafe and possibly illegal. Aside from that, it’s also turning into a financial issue for drivers as well. All that time spent looking for parking is time that could be spent driving, which means less miles and less money at the end of the day. The issue is becoming so large that it’s beginning to turn some drivers off from the industry altogether.  

What’s Being Done to Stop it?

The Truck Parking Safety Improvement Act was introduced to the House of Representatives in March of 2021. If passed, the act would authorize the Department of Transportation (DOT) to disburse funding for more truck parking throughout the US highway system. Unfortunately, the house hasn’t acted on the bill, and it now sits dormant in congress.   

Additionally, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act initially allotted over $1 billion in funds to truck parking, but that part of the bill was dropped before it was passed. In the private sector, companies that already offer truck parking try and expand their current offerings but are often met with resistance from state and local government red tape and citizen pushback.  

What Can Drivers Do to Combat it?

All these things unfortunately put the burden of figuring out truck parking on the drivers themselves. Drivers have been relying on parking apps like Trucker Path for the better part of 10 years to find available parking while on their route. Millions of drivers have downloaded the app and use it daily to try and find nearby parking. While it’s certainly not ideal, it’s much better than just winging it and hoping you’ll find a spot when it’s time to shut down for the night. 

truck parking

CDL A Owner Operator, Larry

But, as many drivers will tell you, the best thing you can do is to plan ahead for parking and get a start on it early. Just take it from Larry, a CDL A Owner Operator, 

“Plan where you’re going to stop, and pay for parking if necessary. Never park on the side of the road or on an on ramp. That’s very dangerous. Planning is a very big part of knowing where to park. Remember, if it seems sketchy, it probably is! Keep it moving,” shared Larry.

While the truck parking shortage looks to be here for a while, the good news is that it’s becoming more and more widely known outside of the trucking industry. As long as drivers, carriers, and all those affected continue to speak out against it, there’s hope that the parking shortage will become a thing of the past.  

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time management tips
Most truck drivers enjoy the freedom that the job and lifestyle gives them. But this freedom comes at the cost of being able to manage your own time. For experienced truckers who have been on the road for years, this isn’t a problem. But for new drivers, who have come from different workplaces, like restaurants or offices, this can be a bit of a culture shock. 

New drivers, not versed in the best practices of the road, can have difficulty getting shipments delivered on time. This can lead to stress, unhappy customers, and even disciplinary action from their employer if if it keeps happening. The good news for new drivers is that time management skills will come in time. But to help jumpstart the process, here’s a couple of tips from current CDL drivers on how to manage your time effectively while on the road. 

1. Avoid Unnecessary Stops

This can be the biggest problem that new drivers face. You have 14 hours total in your day, 11 to drive, three to do with as you please. While three hours seems like a ton of time for breaks and stops, ask any trucker and they’ll tell you that it adds up quickly when you factor in trying to find parking, long lines and other time drains.  

Jimmy’s Kenworth

“Use your time wisely. Always remember that as soon as your clock starts for the day, you only have a total of 14 hours to work and 11 to drive. Don’t spend any more time at shippers/receivers or truck stops than necessary while your clock is running. Just be diligent in utilizing your time wisely,” shared Jimmy, a Flatbed Driver in PA. 

The best way to combat this is to limit the stops you make for food and drinks. Try stocking up your truck on the essentials while you’re at home so you’ll have to make fewer stops while driving. Another tip is to monitor your gas as well. Instead of stopping once for food and once again for gas, get them both done in one stop. 

2. Plan Your Parking

Over the past few years, there’s been more of a light shone of the lack of legal and safe parking available for truck drivers. So much so that some drivers stop driving earlier than they need to, just to guarantee they’ll have a good place to park.  

“Having a place to park that is safe and has amenities is important for all drivers, whether you’re a veteran or a rookie. New drivers always need to have a plan B, or even a plan C when it comes to parking,” shared Jimmy. 

While this still continues to be an issue for truckers, technology is on your side when it comes to parking. There are a number of great apps that help drivers find the closest and best parking spots, rest areas, and even weigh stations. Try and plan out where you’ll be stopping for the night by checking these apps early. Always have a plan B or C as well in case there’s no space at the first spot. 

3. Try to Avoid Traffic

This tip is of course, much easier said than done. Even if you do everything right, sometimes traffic will be unavoidable. But there are a few things you can do to avoid getting caught in it. 

Angel, CDL A Driver

“From my experience, I always add an extra 1.5 hours to my ETA to accommodate for stops, traffic, etc. Always plan for the worst but expect the best. Strive to be early for your appointment times and use trucker apps to check for parking. Most importantly, have your CB radio on and use it,” shared Angel, a CDL A Driver.

Try and strategize your routes so that you avoid driving through busy streets or stretches of highway during peak rush hour traffic and use that time for your breaks and stops instead. Also, just like with parking, there’s a number of apps, like Waze that can help you avoid heavy traffic and plan your route.  

“Pre-plan your route. Know where you’ll need to fuel up. Know at what time you’ll hit major cities. That’s crucial if you want to avoid traffic jams. I’ll just say don’t go through Chicago during rush hour if you can help it,” shared Uros, a CDL A Driver.

4. Avoid Going Too Hard

Uros, CDL A Driver

Having great time management skills is essential for any driver. Experienced drivers can get so savvy that they’re actually able to take a full day off their routes at certain times. But the flip side to that is knowing when too much is too much. 

“Get your sleep—seriously. Rest is an important element of trucking. After all, you’re operating heavy machinery and need to be alert at all times,” shared Uros.

While optimizing your time is great, it should never come at the expense of rest. It’s essential that drivers get an adequate amount of sleep each night, for both their safety and the safety of others. It may seem like a good idea to try and get some extra miles in when you should be sleeping, but the risk is never worth it, and you may end up costing yourself more time if you end up getting into an accident because of it. 

If you’re a new driver worried about time management, you’re not alone. Even the most experienced drivers were rookies at some point. Just keep driving, follow these tips and you’ll be a time management expert in no time.  

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truck driver health problems
We all know that truck driving isn’t the healthiest profession. Hours of sitting in a cab with little access to healthy food can unfortunately lead to a number of health problems. While there has been a recent push in the trucking industry to provide drivers with more resources and opportunities to be healthier on the road, it’s still important to understand what health problems truck drivers are prone to.  

We talked with Bob Perry, the Trucker Trainer™ about the biggest health risks currently facing truck drivers and what causes them. 

Bob Perry, the Trucker Trainer™

Bob shared, “Being a Professional Truck or Bus Driver is not the healthiest job. The combination of too much sitting, too little exercise and an unhealthy diet can lead to high blood pressure, diabetes, sleep disorders, heart conditions and more. This can make passing the DOT re-certification exam daunting without education and support. After spending the last several months talking with TPA’s, clinics, carriers and drivers to gather the most current DOT Exam results from the National Registry, the results we’ve found are very concerning.” 

Bob continued, “What we’ve learned is that over 50% of our current drivers are on short-term cards, one year or less. Even more alarming is that over 300,000 drivers are disqualified each year from health issues. 

In most cases these include 1. hypertension, 2. prediabetes, and 3. sleep disorders. How do these short-term cards and disqualified drivers affect our industry? We keep hearing about the 80,000-driver shortage, but what if we spent 25% of recruiting budgets on providing the resources to educate and rebuild our skilled driver’s health? Could we save 10% of our drivers? That 80,000 driver short-fall would look different.”

1. Obesity

Obesity is one of the biggest issues facing truck drivers right now, and it’s associated with almost every other health problem on this list. According to the CDC, truck drivers are twice as likely to struggle with obesity compared to other US workers. Obesity can make it difficult to pass a DOT Physical too, taking it from a strictly health problem to a financial one as well.  

Luckily, there are a number of things drivers can do to combat obesity while on the road. Consider packing healthy meals in advance while you’re at home, instead of relying on rest stops and fast food. Even small changes like using your mandated DOT break to do some light exercises or go for a walk can have great results.  

2. Diabetes

The CDC found that truck drivers are 50% more susceptible to diabetes than the national average. A healthy diet and exercise are the best ways to avoid diabetes, but any driver over 45 who has a family history of diabetes is at a higher risk for it. Visit your doctor promptly if you start to exhibit any of the early signs of it.  

3. Smoking

It’s common knowledge that smoking is linked to numerous health problems, including heart disease and of course, cancer. But did you know that truck drivers are twice as likely to smoke compared to other workers? 

There’s a number of reasons why a driver might pick up smoking, whether they feel it helps with fatigue, weight loss or boredom. But, the risks heavily outweigh whatever benefits there might be. The obvious answer here is to quit smoking, but that’s much easier said than done. Luckily there are more resources available for drivers who want to quit than there used to be. Nicotine patches, prescription drugs, and behavioral therapy are all proven ways to help truck drivers stop smoking. Even vaping is a better alternative, though it’s not completely nicotine free 

4. Hypertension

Hypertension, commonly known as high blood pressure, is when a person’s blood pressure rises and stays risen for an extended period of time. On average, truck drivers are more prone to hypertension than the average person and can be caused by a number of things, including an unhealthy diet, high in salt. Like many things on this list, making an active effort to eat better is the best way for drivers to avoid hypertension or at least keep it in check.  

5. Sleep Disorders

Sleep problems, including insomnia and sleep apnea are common in truck drivers. Unfortunately, they’re also deadly if gone untreated. If you’re not getting the recommended 6-8 hours of sleep a night, your body will try and compensate by “microsleeping” or sleeping in extremely small quantities (between 1-30 seconds) without warning. This is just an annoyance for most people but can be deadly when it happens to someone who’s on the road driving a 15-ton semi-truck.  

Fortunately, modern medicine gives drivers many different ways to get a good night’s sleep while on the road. Depending on the problem, a CPAP machine or melatonin may do the trick, but visiting your doctor is always the first step.  

While truck drivers face more health problems than average Americans, these can be mostly be avoided through a proper balance of diet and exercise. Some issues, like diabetes and hypertension may be linked to family history, which is why having regular visits with your doctor is important.  

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4 of the Best Sleeping Tips for Truckers

Truck drivers and a good night’s sleep don’t always go well together. Besides being a major annoyance, lack of sleep can lead to safety issues while on the road. Many drivers, specifically OTR drivers, experience poor sleep habits, which can lead to irritability and slow reaction time—two big issues if you’re driving a large vehicle for extended periods of time. It’s also a major factor in accidents involving truck drivers.

There are a few reasons that truck drivers, specifically OTR drivers are at a greater risk for developing sleeping problems. Aside from the difficulty of finding a place to sleep, they may have to deal with noise, lights as well. While these challenges can be difficult, there are a lot of things that truck drivers can do to help them sleep better while on the road. Here are 4 of the best sleeping tips for truck drivers.

1. Find a Safe Spot

This first tip comes to us from Larry, a CDL A Owner Operator.

“I tell new drivers to sleep at truck stops or rest areas. Preferably well lit, especially if you are a female truck driver. Also, plan where you’re going to stop, and pay for parking if necessary. Never park on the side of the road or on an on ramp. That’s very dangerous! Planning is very big part of knowing where to park. Remember, if it seems sketchy, it probably is! Keep it moving.”

2. Eliminate Distractions: Light and Sound

There are two main types of distractions that drivers who are trying to sleep deal with: light and sound. For light, we recommend using a visor shade for your windshield, as that’s the biggest place where light can pour into your truck. If that’s still not enough, wearing a face mask is your best bet. A heavy duty one that won’t move around much while you’re sleeping works best.

sleeping tips

Eliminating sources of sound is also important but can be a bit trickier. While this is easier said than done, the best thing you can do is to try and park away from other trucks if possible. But this, of course, isn’t always an option. If it’s specific noise, like people talking or engines that keeps you from falling asleep, consider using a white noise machine. These are devices that look like a speaker and emit sounds similar to TV static or waves that many people find it easy to fall asleep to. If it’s all noise that bothers you, you might want to think about a pair of ear plugs. Take this as a last resort though, as it’s important to still be aware of your senses, especially if you’re in an unfamiliar truck stop or rest area.

3. Get a Better Mattress

Having a quality mattress is an often overlooked but crucial component for driver sleep, especially in older drivers. Mattresses, especially higher end mattresses, can seem like a big investment. But when you consider how much time you spend in your tuck, it’ll prove its value in no time. The Sleep Foundation has a lot of great information on the best mattresses out right now for truck drivers.

4. Consider Caffeine Alternatives

Coffee, Red Bull and soft drinks are very popular with truck drivers thanks to their caffeine content and wide availability at restaurants and gas stations. But, having too much caffeine during the day or any within 5 hours of going to sleep is shown to cause issues like not letting you access deep sleep, which can have negative effects on your short and long-term memory.

For many long-haul drivers, getting a good night’s sleep can prove difficult. There are any of number of challenges that affect your sleep and subsequently, your performance on the road. While these sleeping tips can help, it’s important to know when it’s time to see a licensed sleep specialist. If your sleep issues get bad enough, a professional is your best resource in keeping yourself healthy and safe while on the road.

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cdl student
It’s no secret that there’s a national need for drivers right now in the trucking industry. CNN estimates that carriers across the United States are in need of 80,000 truck drivers. Pay for truck drivers is increasing as well, making now a great time to get started in the trucking industry. For those interested, the first step is to enroll in driving school. While most CDL students will understandably want to be drivers for a while after graduating, they shouldn’t think they’re locked into that role for life.  

There are many positions within the trucking industry that don’t involve driving. Dispatching, driver training, and yard management are just a few of the options out there. That’s why it’s important for CDL students to think through options and plan out where they want to be in their career. Here are four of the best career planning tips for CDL students.  

1. Research Available Jobs

The first step is to see what trucking jobs are currently available. This is something that you should make a habit of doing regularly, even if you’re not looking at the moment. You might find out about positions you didn’t even know existed that could change your career planning goals. 

We spoke with Jim Kunkel, Operations Manager for Drive My Way’s recruiting partner, NFI Industries. Jim shared his experiences in the trucking industry, how he got to where he is, and the advice he has for CDL students trying to career plan. 

“I applied to NFI as a yard jockey. As I was going through the 4-week training program, I learned many things about trucking. During the training, I switched to become a driver. After 4 and a half years as a driver, I had the opportunity to become a yard coordinator. From there, I moved into a logistics coordinator position that eventually became a logistics supervisor position. Now, I hold the position of Operations Manager,” shared Jim.

Using Drive My Way is a great way to find out about such positions. Create a free profile one time and receive automatic alerts when a job is posted that matches what you’re looking for. No need to create dozens of accounts or scroll through generic job boards only to be spammed by recruiters for jobs that don’t match your needs. 

2. Find a Job that Fits You

cdl studentsThe first step to career planning is to take stock of what you find important from a personal and professional standpoint. What do you want your income to be? How much do you want to be home? Do you want to be in a customer facing role? Do you want to earn extra certifications? What kind of freight do you want haul? You’ll want to answer all these questions and find a position that meets your needs.  

Aside from your wants, also take stock of your individual workstyle. What are your strengths and weaknesses? Do you enjoy working with a team or working solo? Are you detail-oriented or do you think more big picture? All of these things are extremely important when career planning.  

Jim shared, “My experience as a driver has prepared me in a number of ways. It’s helped me with route planning loads and backhauls, two very important skills in my current role. Also, because of my time on the road, I understand the good and bad of what drivers go through on a daily basis. This has helped me when talking driver through stressful situations, like breakdowns and accidents.”  

3. Talk to People in the Industry

The trucking industry is full of experienced people who are happy to share their knowledge. If you’re thinking about your career after graduation, talk to people in a variety of different roles within the industry. Their unique perspective will inform your career planning more than anything else will. They can share with you the best steps to take to get into a certain position and what it takes to succeed when you’re in it. 

As a CDL student, your instructor is a great person to talk to about this. Their first-hand knowledge is the best resource you have at this point in your career. 

Jim shared, “One day I was approached and asked to consider a yard coordinator position. This was the best thing that happened for my career. Then through hard work and training, I moved my way into a manager position. With NFI, the sky’s the limit. You can go anywhere and do anything. I know I’m not done advancing myself.” 

4. Keep Your Resume Up-to-Date

This is a common tip for young professionals in corporate environments, but it’s true for the trucking industry as well. You never know when you’ll meet someone and be asked to send out your resume quickly for an opportunity. You don’t want to be scrambling, trying to get it together last minute. Avoid this by making it a habit of updating it every time you have a new experience or gain a new skill.  

“Learn all you can about every aspect of the industry. This includes DOT laws, the laws for the individual state you’ll be operating in, as well as brokerage, and load booking. Also, I’d recommend exploring other career paths in the trucking field other than driving. You never know what’s out there that could be a great fit for your experience,” shared Jim. 

Career planning is something that never really stops for most drivers. As you change as a person, so do your career goals and aspirations. That’s why it’s important to always be planning and proactive, so you can take your next career step with confidence. 

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Partners standing together
Being a trucker is not an easy job, and being a trucker’s wife isn’t either. Especially if your partner is just starting a new job, you might be wondering what to expect while they’re on the road. How will your routine change while they’re gone? What should you expect from home time? How will your kids handle having just one parent around most of the time? We talked with a few trucker’s wives about what to expect and how to keep a strong relationship through it all.

1. Trust Is Everything

All marriages live and die on trust, but that’s even more true when you spend a lot of time apart. Even if you talk regularly, a lot will happen in each other’s lives that you won’t be there for. It’s important to trust that the other person is still your teammate and you’re working toward a shared life vision. Consider sending your partner good morning and good night messages or packing several days of home-cooked meals when they leave. These are little ways to say “I love you” even when you’re not together. 

Even in committed relationships, the days and weeks can seem endless at times. Talk with your trucker and have a plan for short and long-term career goals. That way, everyone has clear expectations for the situation. It’s easier to make sacrifices in the short term if you know what you’re working toward. 

2. Find Your Communication Sweet Spot

Communication can be a tough one when you’re a trucker’s wife. You might be on vastly different schedules, and you don’t have the natural proximity of evenings or weekends together to catch up. As a result, communication has to be intentional. For many couples, that’s actually a gift because both people are being thoughtful in reaching out to the other. 

Trucker's wife Rebecca

Rebecca, Trucker’s Wife and Return to Amish star

We spoke with Rebecca Schmucker, former Return to Amish star and veteran trucker’s wife, and she shared this advice for other women with a trucking partner:

“Communication is key. My husband bought me a headset like his so I can work around the house and drive safely and we talk for hours. It’s so nice!”

To find a communication pattern that works for everyone, agree on a specific schedule. You won’t be able to talk all the time, but text, phone, and video conversations should be frequent. If you’re a parent, find time for the kids to talk with their favorite trucker and save time for just parents. Learn some trucking lingo so that you can swap stories about each others’ days and be part of each others’ lives. It might take a little while to find the right rhythm, but it’s well worth the effort!

3. You’re In Charge of the Day to Day

As an OTR trucker’s wife is that the ball is in your court for taking care of everything at home. That can mean everything from getting kids to school, soccer practice, and everywhere else to fixing the running toilet and patching that bike tire that always seems to leak. 

Rebecca also shared her perspective on being home without your handyman husband. She said: 

“For the women, be prepared to do things you never expected to do! I have had to fix our furnace in the middle of winter, change out an electrical outlet and take care of EVERYTHING at home!” 

She continued, “It’s empowering to learn how to be self-sufficient but it can be overwhelming too. It’s not a bad life at all if you have trust and stay open and honest with each other. We appreciate our time together a lot more and make the best of it.”

Sometimes the amount of responsibility may feel exhausting or overwhelming, but many trucker’s wives also find it empowering. You are wildly capable and you’ll feel like superwoman when you’re done!

4. Maximize Home Time

Home time is incredibly important for OTR drivers and their families, and you’ll want to make the most of your time together. That said, it’s easy to let expectations skyrocket and sometimes home time won’t be everything you’ve built it up to me. You might feel a mix of excitement, sadness, and even frustration when your partner is home if things aren’t like you imagined they’d be. The best thing you can do is try to take things as they come. 

Trucker's wife Buffy

Buffy, Veteran Trucker’s Wife

We also asked Buffy Olson for her advice for other trucker’s wives. She emphasized the importance of home time. 

“One of the things I live by is, when he’s on the road it’s about me, my kids, the house, etc. I exercise, I watch what I enjoy, I clean, I spend quality time with kids. When my trucker is home it’s all about HIM! I cook his favorite meals, dress up, plan special things, some big, some small. But I allow my world to evolve around my husband. I think this is important because it keeps us both happy and almost in a honeymoon/young lovers phase.”

When your partner comes home, find a balance that works well for the two of you. Look for a mix of shared responsibilities and leisure time while at home together. Trucking is hard work, so your partner will probably be pretty tired some weeks. Build in some downtime, and focus on the things that are reenergizing for everyone. If you love family gatherings, go to that holiday party, but if what you really want is a quiet evening together, don’t feel shy about turning down invitations. 

5. Flexibility Is Key

Even when you know when your trucker has their next scheduled home time, it’s important to stay flexible. Things like home time don’t always go as planned. Your trucker might get stuck delivering their final load only one hour away but get held up at the dock. Or, the weather might turn bad, keep drivers on the road, and then require drivers to take a 30-minute break to stay in HOS compliance. It’s easy to get disappointed when unexpected delays come up, but try to be patient and flexible. No one is happy about the situation, and making the extra effort to show a good attitude goes a long way toward starting home time off right.

Trucker's Wife, Buffy

Trucker’s Wife Buffy with Family

6. Keep Yourself Busy

Especially when you’re a new trucker’s wife, it’s important to keep yourself busy. That’s also true for your trucker! Keeping busy might sound like no problem if you have kids at home, but make sure you create a little time for yourself as well. If you have a lot going on, that could be as simple as a 15-minute walk or an extra 5 minutes in the shower. If you have too much time on your hands and are stuck missing your partner, dig into a new hobby. In both cases, this is a time for strong social networks. Make time for your family and friends. They’re the people who will support you when things get tough or you need a break.

7. Consider Going OTR

Jumping into the cab and trucking with your partner isn’t a good fit or even possible for everyone, but some people love it! If you’ve always wanted to see the country, ask about rider programs so you can go OTR together. If you can’t go OTR, see if you can join for one route together. This will give you a taste of your partner’s day-to-day life and helps create shared experiences. 

Becoming a trucker’s wife is not an easy transition, but there is a community of women who know the ropes and are ready to support each other. Check out #truckerswife on Instagram or Truckers Wife Support on Facebook to hear from other truckers’ wives on how they make their relationships work.


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dot drug test

DOT Drug tests aren’t going to win a contest for the best part about trucking any time soon, but all drivers have to take them. DOT Drug tests are required for all “safety-sensitive” employees, and that includes all CDL holders. Normally, the drug tests are pretty routine, but the possibility of failing a drug test can be pretty nerve-wracking. Hopefully, you will pass every DOT Drug test, but if not, here’s what you need to know to get back on your feet.

What is the DOT Drug Test?

The DOT Drug test started with the Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act. Essentially, in 1991, the Department of Transportation saw a need for federally regulated drug testing to keep traveling public workers safe. Since then, CDL drivers and other designated employees have to regularly take DOT Drug tests.

Everywhere in the United States, the drug tests are non-invasive and test for a standard list of substances. The drug test looks for evidence of Marijuana, Cocaine, Opiates (any opium and codeine substances), Amphetamines and Methamphetamines, and Phencyclidine (PCP). Each of these substances has a cutoff concentration, and drivers must be below that limit. Drug tests are typically done with a hair or urine test, and saliva or breath tests are used for alcohol. 

When Do Drivers Take the Drug Test?

There are a few times where you can count on getting a DOT Drug test. The first is for a new job. Any time you are starting a new position as a CDL driver, you can count on a DOT drug test. Employers can also test when they have reasonable suspicion that you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol. In this case, their concerns must be based on legitimate observations. That could include appearance, smell, behavior, or similar tip-offs. Finally, employers give random drug tests on a quarterly basis. This doesn’t mean that you will get tested every quarter, but it means that someone will. 

According to DOT regulations, when on duty, drivers are prohibited from specific behaviors including:

  • Being under the influence of alcohol
  • Drug use (including residual amounts in your body)
  • Refusing a DOT Drug test.

What If I Don’t Pass?

If you fail or refuse a DOT drug test, there will be several consequences. You will likely be removed from your job immediately. Employers aren’t required to wait for the final results from the Medical Review Officer (MRO), so you will typically be asked to step away from your job right away. In some cases, you could lose your license or driving endorsements. At the end of the day, the consequences will be a little different depending on your company and your employment agreement. If you believe it was a false positive because of medications or another factor, reach out immediately! You will not be able to give a second sample, but you can ask that the sample is retested. You will need a follow-up appointment and proof of your prescription to validate your claim.

How Do I Get Back To Work?

If you fail or refuse a drug test, there is a separate process for moving forward. While you will likely be asked to immediately step away from your job, that doesn’t mean you will never be able to return to driving. Typically, after drivers fail a drug test, they work closely with a qualified Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) for several months as part of a Return to Duty process. The SAP plans a program that may include some type of rehab and/or education. At this stage, it’s no longer in the hands of your employer. Ultimately, the decisions of the SAP are final. Once the SAP confirms that the driver is healthy and has completed the rehabilitation program, drivers may be eligible to return to work with their previous or a new employer.

Will This Stay on My Record?

Failed DOT Drug tests are recorded in the FMCSA Clearinghouse. Refusals to take a drug test are also documented in the Clearinghouse. The SAP will also stay in touch with drivers who fail or refuse a drug test. Typically, the SAP will follow up with the driver six times in the 12 months after the failed test. Drivers may also be required to take additional drug tests up to five years after the initial failed test.


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Christmas gifts for truck drivers

We all need a little extra joy in our lives right now, and luckily, the holidays are right around the corner. If you’re a trucker trying to make a wish list or a loved one wondering what the best Christmas gifts for truck drivers are, we’ve got a cheat sheet ready for you. There’s a little something for everyone on this list, but make sure you plan ahead. With lots of people ordering online right now, allow a little extra shipping time this year.


1. Seat Cushion

trucker seat cushion

If there’s one thing every truck driver has in common, it’s lots of time sitting in the cab. Whether you run OTR, Regional, or Local, a little comfort on the road from a seat cushion can make a big difference. For maximum benefits, choose something comfortable and cool. It’s cooler weather in many states now, but nobody wants back sweat when the temperatures heat up! A seat cushion is one of the best ways to boost comfort on the road.

2. Leatherman Multi-tool

multitoolThere are a thousand little reasons to have a multi-tool on hand. Leatherman is a tried and trusted brand, and this multi-tool will get the job done. This particular version has 17 tools in one. From screwdrivers to pliers to a bottle opener, you can’t go wrong with this essential in your truck! Leatherman also sweetens the deal with a 25-year warranty. This multi-tool is built to last.

3. Darn Tough Socks

darn tough socksYes, socks are the stereotypical boring gift. They definitely have a reputation, but hear us out! Darn tough socks are wool socks that are warm enough for cold weather and breathable enough to avoid summer sweat. For all the practical gift-givers out there, add this to your list of Christmas gifts for truck drivers. They’ll use the socks every day and the socks have a lifetime guarantee!

4. Quick Dry Towel

quick dry towelThis is the gift the truckers in your life didn’t know they needed. A lot of people use these handy towels for camping, but they are right at home in a truck. A quick-dry towel is particularly good for regional or OTR truck drivers living out of their cabs or for fitness-oriented drivers. These towels are extremely absorbent, but they also are very light and dry out within hours. That makes them a perfect fit for your favorite driver.


5. Sirius XM/Audible/Movie Subscription

truck driver relaxingEntertainment is a must-have on the road! A subscription to Sirius XM radio, Audible, or a movie streaming subscription make great Christmas gifts for truck drivers. You know them best, so gift them what they love! Is your favorite driver always looking for their next audiobook? A big fan of Road Dog Trucking Radio? Happily watching the best trucking movies of all time? This is the perfect gift. 

6. A Photo for the Road

trucker key chainFor every trucker, home is where the heart is. Even for the truckers who can’t resist the call of the open road, there are almost certainly places and people they call home. With this classy leather photo keychain, drivers can keep a little part of home wherever they go. This is an especially sweet gift for drivers with children. You can choose the photograph, easily upload it, and then watch your favorite trucker smile when they unwrap this thoughtful gift.


7. Snack “Emergency Kit”

snack boxThis emergency kit is as much fun to make as it would be to get. Some people might claim that snacks on the road aren’t a “real” emergency, but we beg to differ. This is one of the best Christmas gifts for truck drivers who have a sense of humor and love a little snack on the road. The best part? You can customize it to the person. Whether they’ve got a sweet tooth, love salty snacks, or are in for a healthy energy boost, you can make the perfect emergency kit for a long day driving.

8. Portable Oven Lunchbox

A portable oven lunch box or any other type of slow cooker is a must-have for any OTR or regional truck driver. Giving one of these is a great gift for health-conscious drivers. It’s also an excellent way to help your favorite trucker bring a little taste of home with them wherever they are.

Portable Oven Lunchboxes are a great way to reheat meals or to prepare something fresh with a little bit of creativity. You can choose from several different sizes so that the crockpot fits perfectly inside the truck.

9. Resistance Bands

Free weights get a lot of good press, but resistance bands are another great option for fitness-oriented drivers. Resistance bands are extremely compact so they won’t take up space in your car, and they can actually offer a few advantages over free weights. Resistance bands create constant tension through your entire range of motion. That helps build muscle. Also, you can choose from a wide range of resistance bands, so it’s easy to customize your workout even when you don’t have a lot of time.


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