If you’re looking to diversify your driving experience and stand out to employers, becoming a boom truck operator might be the right move for you. This unique driving position requires an additional training certification, but often results in increased pay and a wider variety of available jobs.  


Boom trucks are used in a range of industry settings, and can be a great investment if you’re looking to own and operate your own truck. The certification process only takes a few hours and is widely available online. Keep reading to learn everything you need to know before becoming a boom truck operator, so you can decide if it’s the right choice for you.  


What is a Boom Truck? 

By definition, a boom truck is a commercial truck with a hydraulic crane attached to its chassis. There are many variations on this basic structure that enable boom trucks to be useful for a range of different jobs. The two primary types of truck are fixed cab and swing cab vehicles, which are classified depending on the mobility and positioning of the cabin.  


A fixed cabin boom truck will contain one cab with all of the controls for the crane. This means that these trucks operate much like a standard truck, allowing them to have a smaller size that can make maneuverability easier.  


There are also downsides to a stationary cab, including visibility issues. This is where a swing cab boom truck comes into play. With a longer structure, these trucks have a separate cab for the operator which offers better visibility and flexibility when lifting. Swing cabs are often favored by construction companies, since they are better for more intricate jobs.  


Which Boom Truck is Right for You? 

Beyond the two primary types of boom truck, there are a few other variations. It’s important to know the different kinds of boom trucks so you can choose the right one for you.  


Sometimes referred to as a boom truck crane or a boom crane, this type of truck has a telescopic arm and usually works similar to a typical crane to lift and move heavy objects between 10 and 60 tons. 


Another type of boom truck is an articulating lift, which is helpful in jobs where precision is important. Due to the joint in the extension, these trucks are designed to be lightweight and able to maneuver while working in tight spaces. 


If your jobs call for lifting people, instead of heavy loads, then a bucket truck is the right choice for you. These trucks are designed with a rising platform where technicians can stand and work while keeping their tools close by. Most bucket trucks have some sort of wall or railing for safety, and some newer trucks are built with a fiberglass cabin to further improve worker safety.  



Flexibility, experience, and having the ability to develop new skills are all extremely important in the career of every truck driver. In today’s competitive market, it is more important than ever to stand out to employers by increasing your marketable talents. Being able to drive specialized vehicles, such as boom trucks, is a great way to differentiate yourself from your competition and increase the scope of jobs for which you are qualified.   


Although driving a boom truck requires its own certification, plenty of companies will make it worth the effort with incentives and bonuses for having this skill.  


Here at Drive My Way, we’re always looking to find and promote tools that could be beneficial to any trucker. Read more from our Driver Blog to learn essential tips and resources, and be sure to reach out to us on social media if there’s anything we missed! 

Are you looking for a new truck driving position? Perhaps you want to learn new skills and switch to a specialty job? Within the trucking industry, there are many different types of jobs, some of which require additional training and/or certification but may afford you the opportunity to learn new skills, carry different types of freight, and travel different routes. One option is transporting dry bulk tanks.  

Dry bulk tank jobs offer unique benefits, but they also have special requirements that other types of job do not, including cleaning the tank (in some cases) and understanding how to unload the material you are hauling.  

Types of Dry Bulk Tanks 

Dry bulk tanks are used for the transport of dry materials including food grade, industrial, and construction materials. Unlike traditional tankers, dry bulk tanks do not carry liquid or gas. Common materials transported in dry bulk tanks include: 

  • Plastic or resin pellets 
  • Sand
  • Cement 
  • Sugar  
  • Flour  
  • Starch  
  • Chemical powders  

This type of tanker is also known as a pneumatic tanker and is typically manufactured as a single compartment tank, made of aluminum or steel. Dry bulk tanks are vacuum sealed and have openings on the top and bottom of the cylinders for both loading and unloading of the materials. Space within a dry bulk tank is measured in cubic feet and most tankers have a capacity between 560 – 3120 cubic feet. Depending on how much material they hold, dry bulk tanks are usually referred to as “small cube” or “large cube.” Dry bulk tanks are excellent for transporting a variety of materials since they prevent contamination and are easy to load and unload.  

Safety Concerns with Dry Bulk Tanks  

Unlike a dry van trailer, dry bulk tankers have a high center of gravity, which allows for materials to shift during transport. Shifts in weight like this are not something all drivers are familiar with, so it is important to take care while learning how to drive these types of loads. Some other safety concerns include falls while climbing on the tanks during the unloading process. It is vital for drivers to exercise caution and take preventative measures to avoid falls including having sufficient lighting (for night runs), wearing non-slip shoes, and using available handrails and lanyard attachments.  

A Day in the Life of a Dry Bulk Tank Driver  

We recently interviewed Shelly Kroesen, a driver recruiter from Dart America, one of several companies partnering with Drive My Way to hire dry bulk tank drivers, to see what a job as a dry bulk tank driver typically entails.  

Can you tell us about the type of tankers used at Dart America and what they’re hauling?   

We haul pneumatic tankers and dump trailers. We haul carbon in bulk for Calgon Carbon. Carbon is used in filtration, including water filtration.  

What are the driver’s responsibilities?  

The driver drives and hooks hoses from the tank or dump to the customer’s vessel upon arrival. The driver is typically out of the truck for 4-7 hours during unloading. The driver must be able to get on top of the tanker to close the man ways.  

What are some general tips or things to know for drivers interested in or already hauling tankers?  

What we haul is used in filtration, so it is recession proof. I can’t ever see a time that filtered water would not be used. 

Any other comments or feedback on tankers?  

This is not hard work, but it does take time, attention, and common sense.  


When it comes to trucking there are many different types of jobs available and unique types of freight you could haul. Are you interested in a new trucking position? Check out available jobs with our partners today!  

There’s a reason there are blogs, social media pages, and nonprofit organizations dedicated to the safety of female truck drivers. While safety should be every driver’s top priority, women in the trucking industry face unique discrimination and threats to their safety that are serious and continuing to evolve.  


Although women have been pioneers in the commercial driving industry since its origins in the early 1900s, they have had to fight for progress and recognition, as well as for support against safety threats. Modern times have seen improvements in equality behind the wheel, but many female truck drivers still feel like they’re on their own to protect themselves at truck stops and in other industry settings. Keep reading if you’re looking for necessary tips to avoid dangerous situations as a woman in the trucking business.  


Modern Times Means Modern Threats 

Unfortunately, as technology and ideas continue to develop over time, so do the people who abuse them. One threat that is increasingly dangerous for women in the trucking industry is human trafficking 


Truck stops are often safe, relaxing places that give all members of the trucking community a much needed recharge and refuel point. However, they can also be used as points to mark and target solo truck drivers as potential victims, and as stopping points for traffickers already transporting kidnapped women and children.  


Many veteran female truck drivers have potentially life saving tips to avoid dangerous situations that they use no matter where they are.

A solo female truck driver found this zip tie on her air line at a truck stop in the eastern US, a known signal for human traffickers marking a potential victim.

One driver, who will not be identified for her safety, was recently at a truck stop and noticed a zip tie had been put on her emergency air line while she was sleeping. This is a known signal for traffickers, along with tissues, paper, and other small, intentionally placed markers.  


If you encounter something like this, do not attempt to remove the marker on your own. Traffickers sometimes use drugs that can be absorbed through skin contact alone. In a situation like this, it is recommended to get to a safe location immediately and call the police. If this seems dramatic, consider that making a decision like this could be the difference between life or death.  


Tips and Tricks from Women in the Field  

Human trafficking is not the only safety threat that female truckers face. Here at Drive My Way, we have compiled advice that real women in the trucking industry have shared on social media and blogs for how they remain safe and comfortable while still getting the job done.  


Some of the most important and widely shared tips explain how a woman driving solo can make it appear as if she isn’t alone. Making it appear as if you have a driving partner, husband, or even dog can be an easy and effective way to protect yourself at truck stops or in other uncomfortable situations.  


  • If someone asks, say your partner (or dog!) is sleeping in the cab. For this to be the most effective, keep the curtain drawn on your sleeper so no one looking in can tell. If you’re feeling especially uncomfortable in a setting, you might want to pretend to have a conversation with whoever is “behind the curtain.” 
  • Wear a wedding ring. 
  • Order two plates of food/drinks to bring back to the cab.  
  • When entering your cab, knock on the door as if someone is inside, then discreetly open the door yourself.  


Many women have also shared tips that they practice at all times to maintain their safety.  


  • Always check your trailer when you come back for anything out of the ordinary, and lock it before you leave, even if just fueling.  
  • Park as close to the truck stop as you can, and only in well lit areas.  
  • Limit your distractions when outside of your truck, so you can always be aware of your surroundings. This might mean staying off your phone and always being alert.  
  • Consider protection for yourself, such as bear/wasp spray, mace, or a dog (if your company allows it!) 
  • Wear baggy clothing if you are especially uncomfortable in a setting.  



It is a sad reality that female truck drivers face threats to their safety across the country. However, it is important to be aware of this disparity to continue the fight for increased safety regulations and improvements to truck stop security. Women are a fast growing minority in the trucking industry, but there is still a long way to go.  


Are there any safety tips we missed? Which truck stops make you feel the most comfortable and safe? Please let us know on our social media so we can continue to share information that helps make the trucking industry equal for every driver.  

Operation Safe Driver Week takes place every year to create awareness around safe driving habits for both passenger and commercial motorists. In honor of Operation Safe Driver Week taking place July 9-15, 2023, the team at Drive My Way compiled this list of essential tips for truck driver safety from pre-trip planning to post-trip inspections.   

When it comes to protecting yourself on the road, there are several factors to consider before you leave, while you are traveling, and once you reach your destination.  

Prior to Hitting the Road  

Truck driver safety starts before you even turn your rig on and get out on the road. By following these tips before you leave, you can help set yourself up for a successful haul.  

  1. Prioritize Your Health: Regardless of what happens on the road, you will be better prepared to handle whatever comes your way by ensuring you get enough rest prior to leaving. By taking good care of yourself, eating a healthy diet, and exercising regularly, you will be physically and mentally ready for your next trip. 
  2. Have a Game Plan: It is important to take time before your trip to plan your route, check weather forecasts and road conditions, make note of any areas with construction or low bridges, and plan for any alternate routes should adverse conditions occur. If you are traveling a route that is known to have high winds for example, it is important to remember to stay close to the shoulder and reduce your speed. It is also important to know when to wait out poor conditions rather than pushing through and putting yourself and others in danger. Now is also the time to make sure your rig is up to date for maintenance, and you have an emergency kit on board.
  3. Create a Comfortable Environment: No matter the distance, you want to make sure you are comfortable for the trip. We recommend having good music/podcast to listen to, plenty of water and healthy snacks, and making adjustments to your seat to ensure you are as comfortable as possible. Mapping out locations for your breaks will also help you stay on track and avoid being behind the wheel for too long at once. 


Truck Driver Safety on the Road  

Once you have begun your trip, there are several ways to ensure that your drive is as pleasant as possible, with few complications.  

  1. Pay Attention to the Little Things: While there are basic practices that every trucker knows like the back of their hand, it is also a good reminder to pay attention to the routine behaviors such as doing your pre-trip inspection, wearing your seatbelt, turning headlights on at appropriate times of day, using turn signals, and checking your mirrors. Some of them items seem so routine that they may get missed, especially if you are feeling fatigue, but they are something police officers are heightened to checking during Operation Safe Driver Week, and during summer travel in general, so it always good to be take note.Rookie drivers are especially susceptible to these types of errors, so whether you are mentoring a new driver, or working a team driving job, it is always helpful to remind your partner. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has several tips like these to help truckers stay safe on the road.
  2. Stay Alert: It is vital to stay alert during your drive to ensure you are able to handle changes as they come on the road. Whether it is safely changing lanes, watching blind spots, driving in construction zones, or practicing defensive driving, you will want to make sure you are alert and ready to handle evolving conditions. Defensive driving equips you with the tools needed to stay as safe as possible, reducing the risk of an incident by taking control of how you show up to the day’s drive. Unlike offensive driving, defensive driving allows you to let others adjust their driving based on your actions, rather than you reacting to them. This can reduce road rage, as well as reduce questionable liability in accidents with four wheels.

Staying alert also applies to stops just as much as it does while driving. Single drivers, especially women, are often targets on the road, so it is important to take note of your environment, report strange people or incidents to the proper authorities, and avoid truck stops that are not well-traveled.  

  1. Maintain Speed and Distance: The foundation of safe driving is consistency, so maintaining your speed and distance will go a long way in creating a safe drive for not only yourself, but for all the other drivers on the road with you. According to the FMCSA, two significant factors in large truck crashes include drivers traveling too fast for the conditions and drivers following too closely. Other common moving violations include:
  • Improper lane changes 
  • Improper turns 
  • Failure to yield to right of way 
  • Reckless driving 
  • Failure to obey a traffic control device  
  • Railroad grade crossing violations  

Safety Doesn’t Stop at Your Destination  

Even after you reach your destination, there are several truck driver safety tips to consider. 

  1. Check for Safe Parking: Once you get to your destination, make sure you have a safe spot to pull into before parking your truck. A previous truck may have even left a path that you can follow to safely park your rig. Once you have parked, make sure that your headlights are turned off and that you have locked everything up. 
  2. Take Care Unloading Freight: Your cargo may have shifted during the drive, so it’s important to take care when opening the door. If you are lifting any items, make sure to bend and lift with your knees to avoid throwing your back out. It is also vital to remember to check for workers and other drivers before closing doors or moving your truck away from the dock. 
  3. Inspect Your Truck and Call It a Day: Every company requires post-trip inspections, so it is important to complete these before retiring for the day. Items on these inspections may include checking for flat tires, checking fluid levels, ensuring all headlights are working, etc. You may also need to record any damage that your rig sustained during the trip, especially if you encountered poor weather conditions, such as hail or high winds. For new truck drivers, these steps are especially important as you familiarize yourself with your truck and completing hauls. 

Operation Safe Driver Week is an opportunity to remember these truck driver safety tips to ensure safe hauls every time you get out on the road.  

 Have you been to the world’s largest truckstop? Located off exit 284 on I-80, just west of the Illinois border, Iowa 80 is three times the size of an average truckstop and provides a wide variety of unique services for rest, recovery, and relaxation.  


Iowa 80 Truckstop is open 24/7, and hasn’t closed its doors once since opening in 1964! From a dentist office to a movie theater to this year’s Walcott Truckers Jamboree, keep reading to learn everything you need to know about the world’s largest truckstop.  


What to Expect When Visiting Iowa 80 Truckstop  

They don’t call this stop the ‘Trucker’s Disneyland’ for nothing. Home to 10 restaurants, 23 private showers, and 900 parking spots for trucks, Iowa 80 is the perfect place to recharge, refuel, and meet other drivers passing through.  


Iowa 80’s Fleet Fuel Program ensures that you can fill up quickly and efficiently using their automated card reading satellite pumps. The ‘TRUCKOMAT’ Fleet Wash Program will leave your rig spotless, an important part of preventing corrosion and long-term damage. There’s even a certified CAT scale and a self-serve pet wash to provide baths for your traveling companion!  


In addition to these helpful features, Iowa 80 has many more luxury services that set it apart from most truckstops. Here is a list of some of the services Iowa 80 Truckstop offers year-round: 

  • Truck Service Center  
  • Movie Theatre  
  • Chiropractor  
  • Dentist  
  • Barber Shop  
  • Laundry Area  
  • Trucking Museum 
  • Custom Printing Shop  
  • Tesla & ChargePoint DC Fast Chargers 
  • Library 
  • Workout Room 


This Year’s Truckers Jamboree (Taking Place July 13th-15th 2023) 

Iowa 80 Truckstop is also famous for celebrating truckers in their annual Walcott Truckers Jamboree. The festival is full of food, music, and the coolest rigs from across the country, and this year is sure to be no different!  


The jamboree has been held since 1979 and features an antique truck display, porkchop cookout, live music, the Super Trucks Beauty Contest, and more. The event is always free, and Iowa 80 encourages drivers and non-drivers alike to come out and enjoy the celebration.  


“We’ve got a lot to be thankful to professional drivers for,” says Heather DeBaillie, Vice President of Marketing at Iowa 80. “Drivers deserve to be celebrated, and we’re happy to host an event that does just that. Professional driving can be a thankless job, but without trucks on the road, consumers wouldn’t have food on the table or a variety of other goods we need and use on a daily basis. It’s an important job.” 


Not in the Neighborhood? 

As an OTR trucker, you’ve got the chance to see all corners of America. Although there’s nowhere quite like Iowa 80, if you find yourself far from I-80 there are still some great stops along the way.  


Jubitz Travel Center, located in Portland, OR, is sometimes called the ‘World’s Classiest Truck Stop.’ Here you can find a movie theater and barbershop, along with jacuzzis, free dancing lessons, and more!  


Noble’s Restaurant and Truck Stop in Corinth, KY, might not be known for its size, but it’s an “Old School Truck Stop” famous for its homestyle country cooking and excellent prices.  


Little America in Flagstaff, AZ, has everything you need when passing through the beautiful southwest. From private showers (with a tub!) to a hot grill and deli, this chain of truck stops is perfect when driving through the west.  



Truckstops are a necessary part of every driver’s experience, and the best ones will leave you feeling refreshed and ready to get back on the road and finish that job. Iowa 80 does that, and more, creating a true home away from home.  


What are your favorite experiences at the World’s Largest Truckstop? Is there another truckstop you think deserves the spotlight? Let us know on our social media! 

 NFI Industries is one of the largest and most diverse supply chain solutions providers in North America, offering end-to-end logistics services across a range of industries. But beyond its impressive portfolio of services and customers, NFI is also a company that values and respects its employees, offering equal access to opportunities for all. As a company, NFI is committed to creating a more diverse and inclusive workplace and culture. This commitment benefits not only its employees, but also its customers and communities. 

NFI’s Pledge for Diversity and Inclusion 

NFI has taken action to ensure that its pledge to diversity and inclusion is more than just words. Instead, it is a promise to make a difference in the lives of its people and the world around them. In 2022, NFI’s CEO Sid Brown, signed the CEO Action for Diversity and Inclusion pledge. This pledge is the largest CEO-driven business commitment to advance diversity and inclusion in the workplace, and it outlines four key actions that signatories agree to take: 

  • Cultivate a workplace that supports open dialogue on complex and sometimes difficult conversations about diversity and inclusion.
  •  Implement and expand unconscious bias education
  • Share best practices and successful actions with other companies
  • Create and share strategic inclusion and diversity plans with their board of directors 

By signing this pledge, NFI demonstrates its dedication to fostering an environment that values and respects all individuals, offers equal access to opportunities, and embraces their individuality. 

NFI’s Focus Areas for Diversity and Inclusion

NFI’s diversity and inclusion strategy is led by the Vice President of D&I and the D&I Council. They oversee various initiatives and programs to enhance NFI’s culture and workforce. The strategy has five pillars: representation, advancement, inclusive culture, leadership commitment, and sustainability & accountability. To foster a sense of representation and inclusive culture among its employees, NFI offers seven Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) that celebrate and support the unique characteristics and interests of NFI’s team members. To ensure diversity in talent, NFI strives to attract, develop, retain, and advance a diverse talent pool that reflects the communities it serves. NFI also invests in the growth and development of its employees through mentorship programs, training courses, leadership workshops, and recognition awards. To create a positive community impact, NFI supports various causes and organizations that align with its values. 

NFI’s Employee Resource Groups 

One of the ways that NFI fosters a sense of belonging among its employees is through its Employee Resource Groups (ERGs). These are voluntary, employee-led, and NFI sponsored groups that are formed around common interests, backgrounds, or pursuits. Each group is open to all employees and helps to increase the inclusion and retention of our diverse workforce, drive employee engagement, and educate through programs.

 NFI currently has seven ERGs that employees can join: 

  • Women’s Initiative Network, Young Professionals Network, Veterans Engagement Team, Black Organization for Leadership and Development (BOLD), APIDA Shared Identity Affinity Network (ASIAN), People Recognizing Our Unique Diversity (PROUD), and their newest addition, Hispanic Organization for Leadership Advancement (HOLA).

 NFI’s ERGs have been active in advancing NFI’s D&I goals and initiatives. They have hosted virtual events on various D&I topics and organized celebrations and campaigns for various cultural and historical events and months. The groups also participated in community service and fundraisers for various causes and organizations.  Newsletters are created to share D&I information and stories. The groups also collaborate with NFI’s talent acquisition team to attract and recruit diverse candidates.

NFI’s Recognition for Diversity and Inclusion

 NFI has received several awards and accolades for its D&I efforts. These include: One of America’s Greatest Workplaces for Diversity 2023 by Newsweek, which recognizes companies that have made diversity a priority; One of the Best Employers for Women in the U.S. by Forbes, which ranks companies based on their treatment of women employees; and A Delaware Valley Top Workplace by The Philadelphia Inquirer, which honors employers that have a strong culture of engagement. 

NFI’s Vision for Diversity and Inclusion 

NFI is proud of its achievements in diversity and inclusion so far, but it is ongoing. The company recognizes that there is always room for improvement and innovation and that diversity and inclusion is a journey that requires constant learning and adaptation. 

NFI’s vision is to be a leader in diversity and inclusion in the supply chain industry and beyond and to create a workplace where everyone feels valued, respected, and empowered to reach their full potential. 

If you are interested in joining NFI’s diverse and inclusive team, visit their careers page to learn more about their opportunities and benefits at https://careers.nfiindustries.com/careers-home

One of the many reasons drivers gravitate toward the trucking industry is the variety of jobs available. One popular option is team truck driving. Unlike a solo gig, team truck driving provides drivers with several unique benefits that driving alone simply cannot offer. You may be the perfect fit for a team driving job if any of the following benefits sound appealing to you. 

Why Should You Consider a Team Driving Job? 

Collaboration: While some drivers enjoy the trucking life because it offers the ability to work alone, many miss the collaborative nature that inherently comes with most jobs. Team driving jobs allow you to work alongside a colleague, with whom you share responsibilities of the haul, but also have around to enjoy small talk with, assess any issues that arise, and map out logistics. Having a partner on the drive keeps you from getting lonely and can make trips more interesting. The beauty of working as a team is you can also often pick your trucking partner, whether that be a spouse or friend, allowing you to not only enjoy the company of someone else, but spend more time with someone whom you care for in your life.  

Wellness: It is no secret that trucking takes a toll on a person’s body – mentally and physically. A team driving job allows you to relieve some of that stress by sharing the work with another person. By being able to take more frequent breaks, spending less time behind the wheel, and having someone else to bounce ideas off of, you can enjoy increased health and wellness.  

Financial Gains: One huge perk of team truck driving is the income and amount of work available. Team truck drivers typically earn more money per mile ran than solo drivers because they are making longer hauls. Even though the pay is split across the team, the additional compensation for the longer time well makes up for it. Team trucking jobs are also more in demand than solo gigs, so you never have to worry about finding a job when you need it. This is very appealing to many drivers, especially those who don’t mind sacrificing a little bit of their freedom by sharing their space with a fellow driver.  

Experience: Team truck driving is a great experience for any level of driver, whether you are a veteran or brand new to the industry. Team driving jobs allow you to learn from your partner, while offering your own input into the job at hand. First-time drivers can especially benefit from team driving jobs as they have the ability to sit next to someone who has been on hauls before and has potentially handled a variety of situations that are foreign to novices. If you are a new driver, you may also be able to find a job quicker by staying open to team driving opportunities.  

While there are several pros and cons to team truck driving, ultimately there are many great reasons to consider a team driving job. Team truck driving allows you to take more breaks and share the triumphs and downfalls of the road with a partner, rather than having to do it alone.  

Choosing a career as a truck driver is an important decision that will impact your life, as well as your friends and family. It is a unique job in that every day will look different depending on the weather, road conditions, the road you’re traveling, and the type of cargo you are hauling. Trucking is an honest day’s work, but will require a game plan when it comes to how you will eat, live, and exercise, while making hauls. While truck driving is a rewarding opportunity, every first year truck driver makes several adjustments to life on the road. At Drive My Way, we provide trucking tips to help potential, and new drivers, understand what a career in truck driving will look like, especially in the first year.  

What Does Trucking Driving Look Like in the First Year? 

Adjusting to a new career is always tough for the first year and trucking is no exception. With trucking, you will want to determine if you’re going to work for yourself as an owner/operator or become a company truck driver. From here, you will have to learn the financial, emotional, and physical implications of driving a truck. Some of our favorite trucking tips for new truck drivers include:

  1. The More You Drive, the Better You Will Become: Practice makes perfect when it comes to any skill, including driving a truck. As a first year truck driver, you will become accustomed to the truck you are driving, driving in different weather conditions, and the differences between city and highway truck driving. As you accumulate seat time, you will feel more confident in the role and your ability to make sound decisions quickly.  
  1. Do Not Be Afraid of Hard Work: Chances are if you found yourself pursuing a career as a truck driver you have a tough skin and aren’t scared of a hard day’s work. Trucking can take a toll on your health and well-being, so it’s always important to get good rest, have a strong support system, and prepare yourself for different situations that can arise. While the work is hard, a career in trucking can be a wonderful experience and a solid income.  
  1. Stay Flexible; Trucking is a Moving Target: Trucking has always been a field that fluctuates depending on demand, fuel prices, and the economic climate. This has become even more apparent since COVID first surfaced. As a truck driver, you must not only keep up with the demands of the job, but also stay in the know about changes that may arise. By remaining flexible to different opportunities, staffing changes, and other unforeseen events, you will set yourself up for the most success possible.

Being a first year truck driver is an experience full of new possibilities and challenges. If you are dedicated to your work though, truck driving can become a very rewarding career. If you are newly licensed, or just gathering more information about truck driving, consider Drive My Way as the best place to find jobs in the trucking industry online. We offer trucking tips, a job portal, and ongoing resources for drivers and employers alike. We look forward to helping you steer into the right trucking position for you. 


NFI Military Veteran Drivers

How NFI Industries Supports Military Veterans

NFI Industries is a leading supply chain solutions provider that offers a range of services, including dedicated transportation, distribution, and global logistics. NFI is also a proud employer of veterans, who make up 12% of its driver workforce. 

NFI greatly values their veteran drivers for their dedication, professionalism, and performance. Veteran drivers are not only reliable and safe drivers, but also loyal and engaged employees who positively contribute to NFI’s culture and mission. NFI operates with honesty, transparency, and accountability in everything they do, and their veteran drivers uphold these standards and earn the trust and respect of their customers and colleagues. 

Additionally, NFI respects and appreciates the sacrifices that veterans have made for their country and their families. Veteran drivers enjoy flexible schedules, competitive pay and benefits, and opportunities for personal and professional development. 

NFI understands the challenges and opportunities that veterans face when transitioning to civilian careers. That’s why they offer various programs and resources to help veterans succeed as professional drivers and grow within the company. 

NFI’s Veteran Support Programs and Resources

Some of NFI’s programs and resources include: 

  • The Veterans Engagement Team (VET), an Employee Resource Group (ERG), supports NFI’s military veterans with the different resources they have available, uplifts them, and partners up with local veteran outreach organizations like Hiring Our Heroes. The VET also gives veteran drivers a voice and a platform to share their feedback and ideas with NFI’s leadership team. 
  • The Troops into Transportation program, which helps veterans obtain their commercial driver’s license (CDL) through training and tuition assistance. This program is designed to help veterans transition from the military to the trucking industry by providing them with the skills and knowledge they need to drive safely and efficiently 
  • The Apprenticeship program provides on-the-job training and mentorship for new drivers, as well as a monthly stipend from the Department of Veterans Affairs. This program is registered and partnered with the Department of Labor Apprenticeship Program and has SAA approval that allows veterans to use their GI Bill benefits. 
  • The Military Friendly Employer designation, which demonstrates NFI’s commitment to hiring, retaining, and advancing veterans within the company This designation is based on NFI’s policies, practices, and outcomes related to veteran employment and career development. 
  • The Veteran Driver of the Year award, which recognizes and honors a veteran driver who exemplifies NFI’s core values and delivers exceptional service to customers. This award is presented annually during NFI’s Driver Appreciation Week. 

NFI Industries is committed to recognizing and supporting its veteran drivers and providing them with rewarding and fulfilling careers. NFI appreciates the skills and experience that veterans bring to the trucking industry and how their values align with the company’s vision. NFI is always looking for more veterans to join their team. 

To learn more about these programs and other ways NFI supports veterans, go to https://careers.nfiindustries.com/us/en/veterans  

 truck driving jobs for veterans

The Benefits of Truck Driving Jobs for Military Veterans

Trucking jobs offer flexibility for veterans to spend time with family and explore the country. CDL jobs provide good salaries, job security, and career advancement. They also play a crucial role in our economy by transporting goods across the country.

Why Veterans Should Consider a Truck Driving Career

Military veterans have a natural edge when it comes to truck driving careers. The skills learned in the military, across various branches and roles, can be effortlessly applied to truck driving. With a successful military career, you most likely already have the traits that make for a great commercial truck driver. Don’t be surprised to realize how much potential you have in this line of work.

Work Environment

Truck driving careers offer a unique blend of independence and camaraderie. Drivers enjoy the freedom to choose their own hours and income while also being supported by their carrier and a tight-knit community of fellow drivers. With the potential for high earnings, a career in truck driving is an attractive option for veterans seeking a fulfilling and flexible career path.

Skills and Requirements

Truck driving demands a thorough understanding and adherence to rigid government safety regulations and company policies, which include mandatory rest periods and defensive driving practices. Adhering to these guidelines is essential for truck drivers to enjoy a long, prosperous career. Most veterans already possess the fundamental skills that trucking companies seek during intensive training and field experience, such as situational awareness, dependability, leadership, management, and teamwork. Furthermore, disciplined and committed military veterans won’t have any trouble acquiring specific driving skills through CDL training and driver orientation.

Waive the skills test!

Veterans with significant military driving experience may be eligible for a skills test waiver, and those with a CDL from their time in the military can start their driving career with a higher pay rate.

Job Security

Veterans seeking job security, a steady income, and retirement options should consider a truck driving career. Your talents are in high demand. It’s an excellent career transition option for retired veterans with the added benefit of company benefits.

The trucking industry needs skilled and dedicated drivers. Fortunately, military veterans possess the qualities and capabilities that make them ideal candidates for a successful career in truck driving. With the added benefits and support available to veterans, this path offers a promising and fulfilling option for those seeking a new direction.

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Ultimate Guide to Truck Driver Recruiting

Current ways of recruiting truck drivers just don’t work anymore. That’s because recruiting isn’t a transaction. This ultimate guide helps carriers recruit for retention.

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